Judith: Interview with an Autistic Graphic Artist

Judith: Interview with an Autistic Graphic Artist

I am grateful Judith has shared her knowledge and experience with us. She is a solo entrepreneur (aka sole proprietorship) with a graphic art and design business.

Judith is sharing her expertise with us from South Korea!

Ashley Lauren Spencer
Tagged: Interviews
Kelsey: An Autistic Beauty Specialist

Kelsey: An Autistic Beauty Specialist

Kelsey provides beauty and wellness services with her business Moon Kitties Studios. She is talented at what she does and has worked hard to get where she is with her business now.
Ashley Lauren Spencer
Tagged: Interviews
Accommodations for Autistic Adults in the Workplace

Accommodations for Autistic Adults in the Workplace

If you have been wondering what reasonable accommodations you can ask for in the workplace, I have some resources for you.
Ashley Lauren Spencer
Tagged: Resources
Goals to Set as an Autistic Adult

Goals to Set as an Autistic Adult

You may be at a point in your life where you don’t know what you will do next. Especially when unexpected changes come up, which aren’t always easy to embrace when you’re autistic.

It is important we remember that each goal, no matter how great or seemingly insignificant, takes time and a decision each day to work towards what you want in life.

We can accomplish everything we want as long as we look at our goals as actionable realistic steps.

Ashley Lauren Spencer
Tagged: Motivation
5 Ways to Achieve Your Goals

5 Ways to Achieve Your Goals

You may have dreams for your future and things you’d like to accomplish in your life. Knowing how to achieve success can be the hardest part.

Sometimes the secret to success is when passion meets purpose.

Finding the reasons behind our passion can be an important factor in achieving our goals.

Ashley Lauren Spencer
Tagged: Motivation
How to Stop Seeking Validation & Validate Yourself

How to Stop Seeking Validation & Validate Yourself

You may realize you’ve given too much of your strength to everyone else and have come to where you have forgotten who you are - who you used to be.

Especially if you are an autistic person, you may have spent so much of your life masking that you might not know who you are.

Ashley Lauren Spencer
Tagged: Motivation
Living with Alexithymia: Love, Life & Relationships

Living with Alexithymia: Love, Life & Relationships

Alexithymia is a series of traits where a person cannot recognize or understand their own emotions. People with alexithymia may have difficulties expressing their emotions.

Our brains will respond to situations and images the same way a person without alexithymia does, we just cannot recognize that it is an emotion, nor describe what the emotion feels like.

Ashley Lauren Spencer
Tagged: Resources
How to Make a Visual Schedule for Autism

How to Make a Visual Schedule for Autism

You may ask, “how do I create a visual schedule I can stick to?”

We autistic adults can buy a regular paper planner, attempt to use it for a couple of days, and we end up even more overwhelmed because it’s not specific enough to help us manage our lives.

We give up on the planner and try to find a smart phone app, but we still feel our productivity is lacking.

This leads to a cycle of shaming ourselves, because yet again, we didn’t stick to the schedule we created.

Ashley Lauren Spencer
Tagged: Resources
Can Cats Be Autistic? 7 Reasons Why Your Cat Might Have Autism

Can Cats Be Autistic? 7 Reasons Why Your Cat Might Have Autism

If you’ve ever thought, “I think my cat has autism,” you’ve come to the right place.
Ashley Lauren Spencer
Tagged: Autism
Masking Autism: What is it & How to Stop

Masking Autism: What is it & How to Stop

You may question whether you are autistic and wonder if autism is the reason you feel so different from everyone else, as if you are from a different planet.

The people we encounter can make it difficult for us to accept who we are, especially if we keep being told who we are is wrong.

I am autistic, same as you, so I know about masking from personal experience.

Ashley Lauren Spencer
Tagged: Autism
Blake: Interview with an Autistic Life Skills Coach

Blake: Interview with an Autistic Life Skills Coach

Blake Baumann is a life and success coach for young adults with autism through his business ASPIE-R.

He has the passion, experience, and drive to provide resources and help for autistic young adults who may not find help elsewhere.

Ashley Lauren Spencer
Tagged: Interviews
Getting Organized Autistic Style: Autism & Organizational Skills

Getting Organized Autistic Style: Autism & Organizational Skills

All of us autistic adults know we work best when we live our lives with routine. It helps ease executive dysfunction, can reduce stress and anxiety, and it can lessen...
Ashley Lauren Spencer
Tagged: Resources